经典的算法混响插件使用短反馈延迟的组合来产生混响的错觉。 这些延迟会导致有害的金属共振,并在混响的频率响应中产生尖峰。

丹尼斯团队挑战自我以创造更好的东西–一个完美的房间–并发明了他们的TXVerb™技术。 使用这项技术,丹妮丝完美室(Denise Perfect Room)不会拖延尾巴。 它的技术允许极富创造力的使用,不同的声音,并且可以以极其自然的方式增强通过它运行的任何音频的特征和色彩,从最低的踢脚一直到最高的嗓音,声音始终清晰而紧凑。

A perfect room?
Classic algorithmic reverb plugins use a combination of short feedbacking delays to create the illusion of reverberation. These delays cause unwanted metallic resonances and sharp spikes in the reverb’s frequency response.

The denise team challenged themselves to create something better – a perfect room – and invented their TXVerb™ technology. Using this technology, the denise Perfect Room doesn’t use delays for the tail. Its technology allows for highly creative use, different sounds, and can enhance the character and colouration of any audio you run through it in an extremely natural way, sounding defined and tight from the lowest kick all the way up to the highest vocal.
Big Thanks to Team R2R for providing us their custom Windows installer!

